Tuesday, November 15, 2011

My Holiday List

My friend made a Fall List of things she wanted to do during the fall. I thought it was such a great idea that I have to copy her (Thanks Michelle!) My list is going to be a Holiday List so I have until the New Year to do these things.

1. Make sugar cookies. My mom always does Christmas sugar cookies so I am thinking about doing Thanksgiving ones at my house.

2. Give neighbors Christmas gifts. (Maybe some sugar cookies?)

3. Drive around to look at Christmas lights.

4. Take Spencer caroling.

5. Make a handmade gift for Spencer.

6. Make a handmade gift for Katherine. (Yes, each gift counts as a seperate to do.)

7. Catch up Katherine's scrapbook by Christmas. I had Spencer's caught up by his birthday. Since their birthdays are 2 weeks apart I get scrapped out (plus we finished our house then too). So, Christmas it will be.

8. Take the kids to see Santa.

9. Make a snowman. As Spencer would say "With a carrot nose."

10. Work on my recipe box.

11. Do an angel tree gift.

12. Get into an exercise groove.

13. Throw the best 70th birthday party )for my mother in law) ever. Ideas?

14. Sit and listen to Chirstmas music by the fire with drinking cocoa.

15. Go to temple square.

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