Friday, January 30, 2009

25 Things

I did this tag on Facebook. It took me a long time and I wanted to share it with all my friends.

Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.

1. I can only leave my conditioner in my hair for 12 seconds. 11 doesn't make it soft enough and 13 makes my hair frizzy all day!

2. I love snow when it is fresh and clean.

3. I hate snow when it is dirty.

4. I usually go to bed before Spencer. Mark plays with him, watches the 10 o'clock news and puts him to bed.

5. I LOVE Ice Cream! I will eat ice cream with freezer burn because I love it so much.

6. I have never gotten a ticket.

7. I have traveled to 12 countries. Canada, Mexico, Korea, France, Czech Republic, Italy, Austria, Hungary, Romania, Poland, Germany, and of course the USA!

8. I love to dance. This is why I have been so many places. My favorite is clogging.

9. I am a sugar queen. I love sugar. Put candy in front of me and somehow it vanishes.

10. I have never mowed a lawn in my life.

11. I named my grandparents dog, Patches.

12. My favorite vacation is any time I get to be with family. I love our camping trips, movie nights at home, game nights, and food nights.

13. I had stitches in my forehead when I was 3. The worst part about it was that my mom was in Dallas when it happened.

14. I love Christmas traditions. Some of my favorites: deccorating my brother's grave, putting up the tree, making sugar cookies, opening up and showing off pajamas on Christmas Eve, and seeing my parents' faces when they open thier gifts.

15. I wish I had more time and money to do crafts. Anyone know where I can find more of either?

16. At one point Mark and I owned three houses.

17. When I grow up I want to go on a mission with Mark.

18. I remember the exact day I gained my testimony. Thanks Brother Taylor for the awesome lesson!

19. I have a short temper. Mark constantly has to remind me to relax and let the little stuff go.

20. The greatest thing I have ever done is become a mother to Spencer.

21. I love pillows! I sleep with 2 body pillows and 3 pillows for my head. I will substitute a body pillow for Mark on nights he lets me snuggle.

22. My favorite color is purple.

23. My favorite flower: daisies.

24. I enjoy drawing house plans. I have done probably 20 or so. I like to think about how functional I can make the space.

25. I write with my left hand but I do most everything else with my right hand.

1 comment:

team wilson said...

The twelve second conditioner thing is hilarious, and I had no idea that you were the one who named "Patches". Fun list. Love you!