Friday, October 7, 2011

My Kids Are My Life

I never thought I would be such a cliche mom. Okay, maybe I did a little but my children are my life. I would stay in bed all day if I didn't have them depending on me. They are the biggest reasons why I laugh, cry, get frustrated and thank my Heavenly Father for my blessings.
Spencer is starting to be independent on just about everything, except bedtime. He loves to help dad work on the new house. He also loves to say "I won't do it ANY more." He loves to eat yogurt lately. I can't keep it in stock at our house it seems. He always wants his "friends" (his cousins, Mason or Merica) to come over or to go to their homes to play. He also has this thing for knowing what day it is and knowing where everyone is or what they are doing on that day. Some of the fun things he has said lately include:
"Mom, you can just drop me and Kafferine off at Grandma's. Okay?" He likes to say her name that way and half the time I find myself quoting him.

"My shoes are getting too big because I am growing up." He really meant small.

"I don't need a bath. Daddy took a shower this morning."

Two mornings ago Spencer woke up before Mark or I. He went straight out to the new house looking for us. I woke up to the sound of him crying on the back patio. We brought him in our room. He said "You are supposed to be in the shed house mom and dad. I went there to find you and you weren't there." I asked him "Did you look in my room first?" "No cuz you are always in the shed when I go to sleep so you should still be there." I think Mark and I are working too much.

Another funny story about Spencer. I went and picked the kids up from Grandma's. Spencer was telling me that he watched movies about Mater. I asked Mater the truck? He said "Mom, Mater isn't a truck he is a car." I said but he tows other cars so he is a tow truck. Spencer "No. Mom. Mater is a car. He is a tow car. Actually he is a tow Mater." I just about drove off the road laughing so hard.

Spencer has been so good with Katherine lately. He even asks if she can play with him in his room. He likes to help push her in her swing on the swingset. Whenever they are in the house and she starts crying he runs to come and tell me "Mom, Kafferine needs you."

Katherine seems to have blossomed from baby to toddler. This picture was on her birthday in her cute jean skirt. We finally got her to take a bottle just on Saturday. I decided 13 months was old enough to quit treating her like a baby and just make her figure out a bottle. She loves it because she doesn't have to wait for 20 minutes to eat all the milk she wants. She downs an 8 oz bottle in about 4 minutes or less. Mark is loving being able to hold her while she drinks her milk. He even admitted to missing helping feed the baby. "She is all yours babe. I did full time feeding for 13 months. You turn."

Another reason she seems so big to me: she is wearing the same size diaper that Spencer was wearing one year ago when he potty trained. I can't believe it. Either he is a squirt or she is a chunk. I tried having her sit on the potty and she just screamed. She will not be easy to potty train like Spencer was. Katherine's vocabulary is growing too. She can say or sign: Dad, mom, Spencer, milk, socks, dog, sleep, food, more, all done, Grandma, hi, and thank you. She also loves to wav bye bye and blow kisses.

Katherine loves the swing set. LOVES IT. She will sit in there for a couple of hours while we work in the house. As long as I give her a push every ten minutes or so. She has even fallen asleep in the swing for a quick nap a few times. She likes anyone who will give her a push or a twist in her swing.

Yesterday she woke up with a fever and cuddled literally all day. I was up to the task because it was freezing here and she kept me warm. She slept through most of the night, woke up early and cried for Mark and I to hold her. So we obliged her sobs for about an hour this morning. She still isn't feeling well but I think she just needs to sleep/cuddle this bug off.

Well, that is enough bragging, for now. I hope everyone has a good weekend. We are putting finishing touches on the shed. Literally finish trim, touch up paint, grout in our tile. I will take some good pictures and post them on Monday or Tuesday. Until then.

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