Tuesday, April 5, 2011

We have been so busy! Not really with work (although we have bid a lot in the last week or so) but with life! I will not try to bore you with all the stuff we have been doing but here is a rundown.

March 4 one of Mark's best friends, Brigham, got married! It was a beautiful day and we spent a lot of time as a small family enjoiyng and remembering the true meaning of family. Congrats Brig! and welcome Ashley to the family!

For Spring Break we worked all week until Friday, March 18. We drove to Las Vegas and walked the Strip with the kiddos. The highlight of the evening was the water fountains at Bellagio. Spencer absolutely loved them! Saturday I was scrapbooking with my team and Mark and Spencer went to Bass Pro Shop and watched the BYU game. It was a great little trip.My dad came in town the next week. We didn't get to do much with him but it was still fun having Papa in town. Spencer loved going to Steph's house for shooting with the Wii. Of course Carter had to show us all up.

On the 25 (Saturday) we moved the family that was living in our house out. We spent the rest of the day cleaning and showing the basement apartment.
Sunday we went to church. Then we went upstairs to continue cleaning. However, God had different plans. A lady in our ward needed an apartment, called us, and wanted to move in Monday morning. Luckily Mark's brothers both live in our neighborhood so we literally moved in 16 hours (including getting a few hours of sleep). That is right WE ARE BACK IN OUR HOUSE!!! Not in a corner of the basement, not above our lighting store, but in our house; our home!!!
Monday we helped Ann move into the basement. The rest of the week was unpacking, arranging, and recouperating from moving three families in three days.

General Conference was awesome. Katherine slept during the morning sessions and Spencer slept during the afternoon sessions so that made it easier to listen. We have a renewed sense of purpose for life as a whole.

We have done lots of stuff with our church callings. I am helping prepare our Girls Camp fundraiser that is coming up at the end of the month. Mark had an Elders Quorum activity on March 25 that was a lot of fun. Katherine has a tooth! She has had her bottom tooth for almost two months.She has started eating rice cereal and loves it. Last Wednesday she rolled from her tummy to her back. It is hard to believe she is almost 7 months old already.

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