Tuesday, January 11, 2011

New Year, Same Me

Hi Everyone!
It is already 2011! I am not going to feel sad for being so slow at updating the blog because we have been super busy. I will try to catch up on everything we have been up to but I am not making any promises. Also, to accomplish this I won't do pictures today.

Thanksgiving was yummy! I got to sit at the little kid table and I was so proud when all of my nephews, neice and Spencer ate all of their food! We helped my parents decorate for Christmas, did some shopping (I helped my mom spend her money), decorated my brother's grave and hadlots of fun.

The weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas were full of Christmas projects, birthdays (8 to be exact), work (nothing new there) and church activities. We loved getting Christmas cards and letters learning what our friends and family are up to.

Christmas was amazing like always. We were super spoiled by friends and family and each other. The kids and I spent a full week at my parents. It was nice to get away and nice to come home too. Spencer loved opening presents (he even helped Katherine). Our big present was concrete to park on at our house :)

Mark has started another semester of school. That means back to normal work hours for me. I enjoyed my time off but did not get any of my big projects done. It also means Spencer spends a lot of time at Grandma's. I sure do miss spending all day with him.

Work is still slow and steady. A good note is that Mark entered a best business idea competion. He placed and will be awarded $1300 to start the business. He is planning to build a website with the money. His idea is to make LDS hymns and college fight song music boxes.

I absolutely love 9am church! Spencer sends me to class before I even drop him off to nursery. Mark's meetings are before the block so by 12:30 we are home for truly "A DAY OF REST!"

The freezing cold weather has subsided (for now) so we have spent a few days in the sun. Last Monday we even took Spencer and Katherine to the park for some swinging, sliding, and races. I love that Spencer says "On mark, get set, go!"

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