Friday, August 29, 2008

Spencer Update

Hi Everyone!
Well, I did not go to the doctor Monday as scheduled. The plane crash that killed 10 from Cedar City last Friday has effected us all down here. I rescheduled my appointment so that my doctor, Dr. Sanders, could go and support his collegues families at a memorial service Monday. I would like to take a moment to express our love and support to the families of those who have lost someone in this tragedy. We are deeply saddened by this event and know Heavenly Father is taking care of those He has taken from us.

So, I went in to the doctor Wednesday. Everything looked pretty good (except my stretchmarks which are still growing). His heartbeat was good, my blood pressure was good but I was measuring just a little small. Dr. Sanders asked me to come in Friday morning for an ultrasound just to check my fluids and make sure everything is still okay. We went in this morning and everything does look good. He is still just as cute as can be. Spencer is not going to be a huge baby. He is about 6 pounds right now. Because he is a little smaller, Dr. Sanders did a baby distress test.

Basically they hook me up to a monitor to hear his heartbeat. They look for a base heart rate (Spencer's is right around 150, very healthy) and then they look for three excels (times that his heart rate goes up for about 10 seconds then returns to normal). Spencer was asleep the first 20 minutes but then he woke up and started having good excels. The doctor was pleased and decided that if Spencer has not come by Wednesday on his own he would like to induce me Wednesday morning. That means I get two labor days next week (and you all thought you were lucky to get one day off)!

We are glad that we finally know when the end is coming. We are thankful to Dr. Sanders and all he has done for us. Also, a big thanks to Mama Miller for watching the store for us this morning. We don't know what we would do without family who is so willing to help us. We hope everyone has a wonderful holiday weekend. We are excited to have some of Mark's family come into town (Tom, Melissa and Logan and Rob, Nikkie and Kanton) as well as my family (Mom, Dad, Stephie?!). We probably will not get another post up until after Spencer comes so please keep us in your prayers!

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