To start off I just have to say, THANK HEAVENS FEBRUARY IS OVER!!! This past month has been very hard on me personally and on my family, both immediate and extended. For starters, February is always our slowest month at work. And since the economy is so rough it was even slower than normal. We have a lot of stuff coming up in the next couple of months as the weather gets better, so we are totally ready for spring.
Second, Spencer is adorable! We all know it is true so let us all just succome to the facts. However, he is at that stage where he wants to be exploring but can't do it on his own. He hasn't mastered the rolling over yet which I have mixed feelings about. I want him to continue progressing but I don't think I am ready for him to terrorize everything. So, I have been holding him a lot lately. I don't think I am spoiling him but you never know. Because he needs/wants more floor time I have been staying home a little bit more to give him that time. But then when I am at home I see all of the cleaning and other projects that I need/want to get done. I try to tell myself that they can wait another day and Spencer is only going to be little once but I find myself letting him cry so I can put that stack of folded towels away (or something like that) more often that I probably should. So then I make myself feel guilty one way or another.
Last, I have been really stressed out about my family. Everyone is healthy and fine, but I am a worrier (I know, big shock to the world). My sister Heidi was put on bedrest for a couple of weeks and I felt bad that I couldn't go up to her house and help her out (By the Way: this past weekend we went up to see her very handsome baby boy, Issac. He is so tiny but he is almost the same size Spencer was when he was born. They grow up too fast). My brother Tim has had a rough time at work and had a few days of not feeling well so I worried about him. The only family I hadn't worried too much about was Steph, well, until I heard she crashed on her brand new motorcycle. Then I started worrying that she might get hurt and maybe she shouldn't ride because I can't stand the thought of her getting hurt seriously, etc. (Steph, when you read this do not get mad at me. I love you and your bike is beautiful I just am me.)
So, now that I have gotten all of my worries and complaints off my chest (well, I could complain about a lot of other things but we won't go there) I will also say, I am so very blessed. Mark and I have really gained a new perspective on life in the last three months or so. We truly are thankful to have the Gospel in our lives. I am thankful I get to spend most of the day with my entire family and that Mark is willing to take Spencer for five minutes when I just need to breathe. I am thankful for a listening Heavenly Father who cares about me. I am glad that on those Sunday mornings when I don't want to go to church but I go anyways (you know you have had one of those so don't act like you don't know what I am talking about) that those are the Sundays each lesson and talk are for me directly. I am glad to have friends who help me remember how strong I am and help me change my thinking to: "Why not me. I am strong and this trial will only make me stronger. So, why not me?"
I am ready now to face the month of March! Thank you to all who put up with my ranting and raving.